RELEASED: Linux for Beginners

Linux for Beginners

Let’s face it… we’ve all been using computers for a lot of years now. Maybe you’re a solid Windows user. Maybe you’re a Mac aficionado. But you might only be slightly aware that other operating systems exist. Linux is the most well known of those and various versions of it run the vast majority of servers that give us websites (including this one!) and all the Internet things!

But have you wanted to learn how to actually use Linux? Have you dreamed of jumping in and seeing why it’s such a cool system to use? With my latest audiobook there’s nothing stopping you!

Jason Cannon’s “Linux for Beginners” is a terrific quick-start guide to get you going on a Linux server so you can do what we do best: learn by doing! You’ll learn how to:

  • Navigate a Linux filesystem (also completely useful for Mac computers as well, since OS X is based on a similar structure… WHAAAA?!!)
  • Install and remove applications and where to find all that free software goodness
  • How to organize files and folders for easy use
  • Use Linux’s varied text editing environments

And much, much, more!

You can get your copy of the audiobook on AmazonAudible and iTunes. And hey, why not also check out the other works I’ve done for Audible?